Cartagena de Indias January 2023



The Hay Festival celebrates its 18th anniversary in Cartagena de Indias with a program to mark the occasion. More than 180 participants from 21 countries will converse during the weekend of January 26-29, 2023. Hay Festival Cartagena 2023.


This Caribbean city -in general, all of Colombia- has a deep love for fried foods. Arepa de huevo and carimañolas are no exception; two of the region’s typical dishes, indispensable in the most traditional breakfasts. Five typical dishes to savor in Cartagena de Indias.

Arepa de huevo and carimañolas

The first is made with corn flour, stuffed with egg -some also with meat- and fried in abundant oil. A delicious arterial bomb. It is eaten with suero costeño (sour cream) and chili. Carimañolas, on the other hand, are small morsels of yucca (manioc) stuffed with cheese and beef. They are also fried and served with the same accompaniments.

cartagena january 2023
Cartagena de Indias January 2023

Splendid Colombia

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